"Alright, Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my closeup." (Gloria Swanson, Sunset Blvd., 1950). We were very fortunate to be able to share the book on Local Memphis Live with host Amy Speropoulos on Valentine's Day. Forrest did a fantastic job sharing his experiences in the NPS Junior Ranger Programs. Viewers were able to learn more about this program, as well as the FREE Every Kid in a Park program for 4th graders and their families, and 4th grade teachers. https://www.everykidinapark.gov/
We were also very proud to be able to donate 25 books to "The Magic of Storytelling" campaign. Local 24 and their parent company, Disney, are donating books to the First Book organization. First Book is a nonprofit organization who is dedicated to getting books into the hands of deserving students and the teachers who educate them. As a teacher, I know this is a very worthy cause! For more information about this program, go to: https://firstbook.org/share-magic-storytelling/
Thank you Local Memphis Live and Amy! This was an amazing experience and we're so grateful for being able to have it! https://twitter.com/Local24Amy/status/1096070701424041984